
How To Prepare for Laser Hair Removal

How To Prepare For Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is one of the most sought-after methods to get rid of unnecessary hair. Women, on average, spend almost 72 days, or ten weeks taking care of their legs or shaving in their entire life.

But it does not stop here. Shaving your unwanted hair can cause cuts and scratches that bother you that can be irritating for quite some time. The other common method to remove hair is waxing, which is often not liked by many due to the painful procedure and the risk of ingrown hairs.

All your worries are answered now, and it is the right time to throw razor and waxing out of the window and go with a painless and permanent hair removal solution. Don’t spend any of your money on the products or procedures where your hair will grow back. Choose a laser hair removal procedure to achieve smooth and light skin for a longer period.

1- Avoid Excessive Sun Exposure

Avoid excessive sun exposure

Laser hair removal does not work effectively on excessively tanned skin or sunburned skin. So, it is advised to stay away from the sun for an excessive period of time to achieve the intended laser hair removal results. Be sure to have at least two weeks off from sunbath before laser hair removal.

Also, your skin is going to be sensitive during the treatment, so make sure to use sunscreen and avoid the sun.

2- Be Careful with Beauty Products

Be careful with beauty products

If you are already having a skincare routine, it is recommended to decrease the usage of products prior to a hair removal treatment. These products are known to increase the photosensitivity of your skin. Increased sensitivity of the skin can lead to burning of the skin when the laser penetrates your skin. Laser hair removal targets and burns hair follicles in your skin.

Beauticians normally recommend avoiding chemicals such as benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid. It is better to stop using products containing these chemicals for two to three days before and after the treatment. Give your skin enough time to heal from the laser exposure.

3- Avoid Tweezing or Waxing

Avoid tweezing or waxing

Avoiding tweezing or waxing during the treatments is one of the most important tips given by beauticians. If you have your hair damaged by tweezing or waxing, the chances of a successful laser hair removal reduce. And there are instances where the damaged hair grows back even after the treatment.

So it is better to avoid waxing or tweezing for a few days before the treatment. Otherwise, you may like the outcome of the treatment.

4- Choose Comfortable Clothes

It is one of the most neglected pieces of advice. People show up for laser hair removal with tight or uncomfortable clothes. So, it is better to choose your outfit for the day of laser treatment. There is a chance that your skin might get irritation or scratchy by the laser exposure. Better choose loose or breathing clothing material for your outfit.

5- Arrive with Clean Skin

Arrive with clean skin

Arrive at the laser hair removal with clean skin to save the hassle for the beautician. Do not apply any oil, cream, or makeup on your skin. But if, for some reason, you cannot skip the makeup or a lotion, ask for a wipe when you arrive at the salon.

The products that you need to stop using also include the self-tanning cream prior to a week or two before the treatment. Because the tanned skin cannot process laser treatment as intended.

What to expect from laser hair removal?

What to expect from laser hair removal

Once you start getting the laser hair removal treatment, you must know what to expect from it. Though the results can vary from person to person and they will be near to what you expect from them. The duration of laser hair removal treatment depends on the number of sessions you are planning to get. It normally ranges from 3 months to 6 months for most cases.

You will start noticing reduced hair growth after your third or fourth session, and normally it stretches to 6-10 sessions for permanent hair growth reduction.

Talking about the concerns you might have about the laser burning your skin. You don’t have to worry about any of that. The type of laser used for hair removal specifically targets your hair follicles and does not burn or hurt your skin in any way.

Final words

Suppose you plan on getting your body ready for summer or looking for a permanent hair removal solution. Laser hair removal is your best bet. Now that you know how to prepare before the treatment, you’ll be able to achieve better results for the same number of sessions. Pay attention to any advice or suggestion provided by the beautician to work along the treatment.

No matter where you belong, you always have the right to enjoy your body to the fullest, and a laser hair treatment can make you feel confident and bring a positive change in your life.


by Alma Curry

Words that empower, inspire, and elevate your life. | Alma Curry | A Fitness & Spa author guiding you to a life of vitality and serenity. Follow for more.📚✨

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