Do traditional Chinese massage really work?

Do traditional Chinese massage really work

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The market size of massage offering centers is almost 16 billion dollars in the US. It means the massage market has grown over the past few years. The reason behind an increase in the massage market is the rising problem of people. Some people are having pain, while some need to recover from their injuries.

According to the research of AMTA, men have been getting more massage than women in the past few years. More people are taking massage for wellness reasons, and they use different massage techniques. There were 61% of people who acquired massage therapy in 2021.

Below is a graph representing the total number of men and women having massage sessions in 2021:

Meridian spa infographic

The market size of massage offering centers is almost 16 billion dollars in the US. It means the massage market has grown over the past few years. The reason behind an increase in the massage market is the rising problem of people. Some people are having pain, while some need to recover from their injuries.

According to the research of AMTA, men have been getting more massage than women in the past few years. More people are taking massage for wellness reasons, and they use different massage techniques. There were 61% of people who acquired massage therapy in 2021.

Below is a graph representing the total number of men and women having massage sessions in 2021:

Chinese massage is also among the finest massage techniques for wellness purposes. It’s a massage technique involving further subcategories for the relief of people. Tui Na is a popular type of Chinese massage. You can have it in the form of spa packages. Before we move forward, let’s briefly introduce Chinese massage.

What is a Chinese Massage?


Chinese massage therapy is part of traditional Chinese medicine, including both herbal medicine and acupuncture. It’s not a conventional type of massage but a technique called Tui Na. This push and pull technique of traditional Chinese massage has made it helpful for all body pains.

There were times when people believed in medical treatments. Now, they are looking for a traditional Chinese massage therapy service. A service through which they get a chance to feel relaxed and no more medicines. Healing the body pain is the main objective of this massage.

Don’t know what this principle is? It is based on Qi(chi) principle. Below is a detailed discussion of the traditional Chinese massage principle.

Principle of Chinese Massage:


Massage is a therapy in which a therapist uses different organs of his body like fingers, hands, and even elbows. Every body organ has distinct functionalities, but they work for the same body. Similarly, all massage techniques are helpful for different problems, but their primary concern is to benefit you.

There is a popular philosophy on which all massage therapists work: Qi (chi). It is a philosophy that says every human has life energy flowing in his body. All of you have a Qi(chi), which flows in your body through some channels called meridians.

Therefore, people go for the meridian spa for a permanent solution. This Qi(chi) philosophy will help you in the following things:

  • Raise the energy level in your body
  • Create a stimulus to improve the mood
  • It helps in balancing the body

The Qi(chi) principle is for effective Chinese massage, especially as it requires elbows and hands like body organs. Let’s see the working of this standard Chinese massage below.

How Does Chinese Massage Work?


Deep tissue and sports massage are always famous for muscle relaxation, but now Chinese acupressure massage is here. Chinese professional massage therapy promotes health by flowing the energy level in the body through Qi(chi). This therapy may require some change of moves which a therapist can provide.

The purpose of this Chinese massage is to relieve stress by boosting the energy level in the body. This change of moves will help you to improve your overall wellness. You can feel lighter when your immune system works properly. It is what a Chinese massage did to your body.

Types of Chinese Massage:

People always get confused between techniques and types of Chinese massage. However, there is a massive difference between a massage technique and its kind. Techniques are the moves that a therapist uses to perform a massage.

Furthermore, a message type includes all of these techniques. To observe it more closely, let’s discuss some main types of Chinese massage:

1.    Zhi Ya

Acupressure on the feet and body to exfoliate stress is the Zhi Ya massage. It’s a Chinese massage style through which body energy flows to enhance your nervous system. The name of this massage seems like someone is doing a kung fu practice. If you are thinking the same, then it’s wrong.

2.    Tui Na

It’s a lift and press style through which your body can leave all of its stress. A therapist must use stretching and pressing techniques to provide a Tui Na massage. It’s a famous Chinese medicine to recover from injuries and improve immunity levels.

Techniques of Chinese Massage:

A therapist in a massage center will offer your different categories of techniques for a single massage. What if a therapist performs the same process multiple times? You will not get a desiring result from that massage therapy.

Therefore, every therapist should know the massage techniques. You may go for the meridian spa services in which a therapist is already involved. Here are all the popular methods of Chinese massage for your health and wellness:

1.    Compression

It’s a technique that helps in removing blockages. For example: If you have a coma patient, the compression will open his blocked veins through the pressing and nipping approach. The therapist has to press the area above the lips, which means groove, to remove the patient’s unconsciousness.

2.    Swing

You have typically rotated your thumb during the movement of your hand. The swing technique of Chinese massage is a rotating thumb style. The therapist must turn the thumb back and forth on the stress area. Do you think this thumb rotation will be a saviour for someone?

3.    Friction

A technique to provide heat to a human body through rubbing is called friction. It’s just like two stones created heat from the process of collision. The therapist will use his hand and palms on to back, chest, and limbs for pain elimination. This technique is applicable in the form of small chunks.

4.    Percussion

The first rotating technique is for back pain, starting from the lower back to the shoulders. Everyone knows the hand position while opening and knocking on a door. It’s exactly like a door opening and hitting position in which the therapist has to move the fist.

5.    Vibration

A jerk in the body is not an appreciative activity, but sometimes it’s helpful. A therapist will shake your arms or stress areas in the body to improve muscles. Chinese massage uses the vibration technique for athletes to bring movement to their jammed muscles. You can further have a sports massage.

6.    Pinching & Grasping

It’s a game of fingers. This technique is not painful. You feel the same when someone pinches you. It’s for the soft tissues in the human body. A therapist will only apply the pinching technique to ligaments and tendons. If you grasp the shoulder, then the (Qi) will flow to the chest.

7.    Joint Manipulation

Joint manipulation is an example of physiotherapy. The doctor has to help people in moving their joints. The manipulation of joints will increase the range of motion in a body. If you need a flexible body, go for the joint manipulation technique.

What are the Potential Benefits of Chinese Massage?


Every massage therapy has an outcome. Some prove phenomenal, but some medicines may also leave side effects. Chinese massage is a therapy you can use instead of any medical treatment. Below are the reasons or massage therapy benefits for which you can choose this option:

1.    Helps to Recover injuries

Injuries are like best friends who will never leave you. These best friends are unbearable for you to think about a plan B. To get rid of these unwanted injuries, you can take different medications. If you are not ok with medications, go for the massage session.

Massage treatment is the relief you are looking for in pain. The inflammation in your body will get less by taking the massage services from a famous studio. The massage therapy techniques will also help you recover from past injuries.

2.    Enhances Blood Circulation

It’s not blood circulation; it’s health circulation in your body. If there is any blockage in blood flow, it means your health is also getting a jam. Hence, a sensible choice is to have a medication. What if no medicine will show any results?

Massage therapy is a solution in that case. The pressing and kneading of the body in a massage session will help resume the blocked blood flow. All the blood clots will leave their place and starts flowing with the blood through the massage service.

3.    Comfort in Pain

Pains can be of any category. Some people have pain in joints, while others face distress from any injury. Whether the pain is old or recent, a massage service is an ideal option for it. Go for a traditional massage therapy through which all your pain will disappear.

The stretching and twisting in the massage techniques will help your muscle to get stress free. When the acupuncture technique becomes part of this massage option, it will generate a perfect medication for all of you.

4.    Boost Energy Level

Feeling dizzy is a symptom of weakness. A weakness represents the low energy level in a body. Chinese traditional massage technique promotes energy. The principle of this massage therapy is to flow the point in a human body.

Therefore, a Chinese massage session is a suitable option for raising the energy level in a body. Swing, percussion, and all other technique of this massage will boost your energy level in you. It will moreover improve the immunity in your body.

5.    Helps in Body Balance

Balance is a vital component of a healthy lifestyle. Similarly, body balancing will enable you to manage your tasks effectively. A massage is a service through which you can gain balance in your body. It is what you receive from a Chinese massage option.

What Can You Expect from Chinese Massage?


It’s not an unexpected therapy. You will get the desiring therapy through the Chinese massage service. It also has sessions like all other full-body massage services. Before beginning the session, the therapist will ask about your health issues.

This massage session focuses on a specific body area in which a person feels pain or stress. The therapist will use a possible massage technique to reduce pain in that area. If someone has a skin disease, he will try different methods for him.

Conditions To Avoid Massage Therapy

There are many conditions in which people should avoid massage therapy. Some people are unaware of these conditions. So, here are all of the possible situations in which you shouldn’t take massage:

  • In case of bleeding on the skin
  • An internal functional disorder
  • Immense swelling in the body
  • Fracture in bones
  • Just after a brunch or meal


Massage therapy is a service through which all of you can resolve your body problems. Chinese massage performs the same but with the usage of different types like Tui Na massage. This massage service is basically to increase the energy meter in the human body. It’s because energy will give you the power to attempt multiple activities.